"nedves paplan huzaton menekülök, párnám szirtjein mezítláb
kanyonban éheztem meg, szarvas csordák láttán, üvöltve rohantam feléjük,
hosszú karmaim kieresztve,
vérben fürödtem már nem éheztem, élveztem...
szemhéjamon a vér megalvadt, repedésein másztam le, végre megtaláltam!
mezítláb léptem tovább a finom hamuban, lábujjaim szomjazták a kényeztetést
sértődött világom tárt karokkal várt,
akaratom, vágyaim végre kielégültek
szürke napkorong feketén világit a szememben,a gondtalanságot világítja át rajtam
persze nem hazudhatok itt, megtalálja gondomat
a sötétebb még sötétebb, a fehér meg vakítóbb,
szirénaként figyelmeztet, itt magad nem álltatthatod ..
sziklák magasodnak az égig körém,
dobálni kövekkel" már nem tudok
ordítva ordítok...karmaim már nincsenek.."
"i flee on wet duvet cover, on the cliffs of my pillows, barefoot
i got hungry in a canyon, where i saw a heard of deers, i ran towards them howling with my long claws let out
i bathed in blood, i wasn't starving anymore, i enjoyed it
the blood clotted on my eyelids, i crawled down on its cracks, finally i found it
barefooted i strided in the smooth ash, my toes were crawing for comfort
my offended world waited for me with open arms, my will and desires were satisfied
the sun's grey disc glows blackly in my eyes, illuminates my carelessness through me
of course i can't lie here, it finds my troubles
the darker is much darker, the white is even more blinding, it warns me as a siren: you can't delude yourself here...
cliffs rise to the sky around me, i can't throw rocks anymore
i scream screaming...i have no claws left"
"i flee on wet duvet cover, on the cliffs of my pillows, barefoot
i got hungry in a canyon, where i saw a heard of deers, i ran towards them howling with my long claws let out
i bathed in blood, i wasn't starving anymore, i enjoyed it
the blood clotted on my eyelids, i crawled down on its cracks, finally i found it
barefooted i strided in the smooth ash, my toes were crawing for comfort
my offended world waited for me with open arms, my will and desires were satisfied
the sun's grey disc glows blackly in my eyes, illuminates my carelessness through me
of course i can't lie here, it finds my troubles
the darker is much darker, the white is even more blinding, it warns me as a siren: you can't delude yourself here...
cliffs rise to the sky around me, i can't throw rocks anymore
i scream screaming...i have no claws left"
design and photos by me
text(hungarian) by aronszabo